The Bible and Haircuts: Understanding Scriptural Views

Leave a comment / / Updated on: 17th January 2024

bible's view on cutting hair
Bible’s view on cutting hair | anton5146 via Getty Images

Hair is a ubiquitous part of human identity and appearance, and it has been subject to diverse meanings and interpretations throughout history and cultures.

For many, hair is a significant aspect of self-expression and personal style. For others, it carries religious, social, or moral implications.

As such, it is not surprising that hair and haircuts have also been a topic of discussion and controversy in various religious traditions, including Christianity.

bible's view on cutting hair
Is this wrong? | Bojan Ćulibrk via Getty Images

But what does the Bible say about cutting hair? Is it disgraceful for a male to have long hair? Is it sinful for a female to cut their hair?

These are just some of the questions we’re going to answer in this article.

We will strive to provide a nuanced and impartial viewpoint on this intriguing subject by looking at the historical and cultural background of hair in the Bible as well as the numerous passages and interpretations of biblical teachings on the subject.

Let’s get to it.

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Untangling the Strands: The Cultural and Historical Significance of Hair in the Bible

bible's view on cutting hair
Hair | Element5 Digital via UnsplasH

It’s important that we consider the historical and cultural context of the ancient Near East, where the events of the Bible took place, for us to understand the Bible’s view on hair and haircuts.

In this context, hair didn’t just have practical meanings. Hair had significant symbolic implications depending on several factors, including social status, ethnicity, age, gender, and religion.

Long Hair as a Symbol

For instance, in many cultures during that time, long hair was seen as a sign of strength and virility. It also implied beauty, particularly for men.

You will see this exact motif illustrated in the story of Samson in the book of Judges, where Samson’s supernatural strength was associated with his long hair.

bible's view on cutting hair
An illustration of Samson fighting the lion | Andry Djumantara via Getty Images

As a Nazirite, Samson had a vow not to cut his hair as a symbol of his dedication to God.

Significance of Women’s Hair

Women’s hair also bore a major significance in ancient Near Eastern culture, although in a different manner. For married women, hair was a sign of marital status.

It was also a sign of their submission to their husband.

This was explained by Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:3-16, arguing that women should cover their heads when praying or prophesying as a sign of respect for their “head,” which is their male authority.

Hair as a Marker of Religion

Furthermore, hair was a mark of religious affiliation and ethnicity in some cultures during that time.

The ancient Greeks, for instance, often depicted their enemies with long and unkempt hair, in contrast to their own way of styling hair, which was short and kempt.

In the Bible, we often read that shaving or cutting hair was a sign of mourning or repentance, a common practice among Israelites.

Understanding Haircuts in the Bible

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The essential tools | Adam Winger via Unsplash

Numerous examples of hair and haircuts can be found in the Bible, ranging from personal narratives to prophetic visions to legal codes.

While each passage has its own unique context and significance, some common themes and motifs emerge from these texts.

The Prominence of Samson’s Hair

No other example of hair and haircuts in the Bible is as prominent as the story of Samson, as described in the book of Judges.

The narrative states that Samson was a Nazirite, which means he had taken a vow not to drink alcohol, touch dead bodies, and cut his hair.

His long hair, in particular, was a symbol of his consecration to the God of Israel.

It was also associated with his supernatural strength, which he used to fight against Israel’s enemies — the Philistines.

We know how the story went, with Samson having been betrayed by Delilah by cutting his hair and him repenting later on and sacrificing himself to destroy the Philistine temple and killing 3,000 Philistines.

Cutting Through the Confusion: Practical Applications of Biblical Teachings on Haircuts

Cutting through the confusion | dwi rina via Unsplash

Given the diversity and complexity of the biblical passages that mention hair and haircuts, Christians have developed various interpretations and applications of these teachings over time.

Some take a literalist approach, emphasizing the specific instructions and examples of hair in the Bible as binding or normative for believers.

Others adopt a more symbolic or contextual approach, recognizing the cultural and historical relativity of some biblical practices and seeking to apply the underlying principles or values to contemporary situations.

Modesty and Sexual Purity

Among the most common applications of Christian teachings on hair and haircuts is related to modesty and sexual purity.

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Young female with natural, healthy, and long curly hair | Delmaine Donson via Getty Images

Many Christians argue that women should avoid hairstyles that seem to be attention-seeking rather than practical or socially acceptable.

They explain that such hairstyles may lead to lustful thoughts in men. 

Some conservative denominations also advocate for long hair for women and even encourage them to wear head coverings as a sign of submission to male authority and commitment to gender roles.

However, these views are not universally accepted, and many Christians criticize them for perpetuating harmful gender stereotypes and placing undue emphasis on external appearances.

To Cut or Not to Cut, That is the Question

Long hair | Miranda Alonso via Unsplash

As people of the New Covenant and no longer bound by the cultural norms of the Old and New Testament times.

However, that doesn’t mean the Bible doesn’t apply to us when it comes to styling our hair. It is a part of our physical appearance that can communicate various messages to the world around us.

In the modern world, hairstyles come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, and can be used to express individuality, social status, and cultural identity.

Christian Concerns

As Christians, our concern shouldn’t be whether it’s okay to cut, color, or style our hair a certain way.

Rather, our concern should be how we can be a light to this dark world.

We live in an era where people seem to be free to do whatever they want as long as they are not hurting others. That’s the reason you will find Christians with unique hairstyles and hair colors. 

Cutting hair | engin akyurt via Unsplash

Is it a sin for males to have long hair? Will God get mad if I’m a woman and have a boy’s hairstyle? The short answer is no.

God is more concerned with what’s inside your heart than your physical appearance. Remember David?

Practical Guidelines

But then again, Christians can follow some practical guidelines when deciding how to style their hair in modern times.

As much as possible, we should avoid hairstyles that go against biblical teachings, such as those associated with pagan rituals or those that are sexually suggestive.

Additionally, Christians should avoid hairstyles that promote vanity, pride, or excessive focus on physical appearance.

Christians should also be mindful of cultural context when choosing a hairstyle.

Choosing the right haircut | PeopleImages via Getty Images

If a particular hairstyle is frowned upon in a particular culture, it may be wise to avoid it to avoid causing offense or drawing unnecessary attention.

However, if a hairstyle is a part of one’s cultural identity, it may be acceptable to wear it with pride as long as it does not go against biblical teachings.

Non-Judgmental Attitude

Finally, we should be careful not to judge or condemn others based on their hairstyle choices.

While there may be biblical guidelines to follow, ultimately, each individual is responsible for their own hairstyle choices, and it is not our place to judge or criticize them.

People will know that we are Christians not by how we look on the outside but by how we treat others.

So go ahead and style and color your hair the way you want as long as it’s culturally appropriate.

Most importantly, always remember that it doesn’t matter how you look as long as you express your faith in Christ by extending love and compassion to others whenever you can.

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